Thursday, October 31, 2013

All Hallows Eve

  Halloween, or otherwise known as "All Hallows Eve" was originally dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), christian martyrs, and all the faithful departed believers.
However, society has taken it on a completely different turn.
Many people use this holiday (or any, really) as an excuse to drink. People, including me, will use this holiday to dress up in costume, go trick or treating, and carve pumpkins...Speaking of, did you know that according to a popular legend the jack-o'-lantern took its name from a roguish Irishman known as Stingy Jack, who tricked the Devil into promising he wouldn't end up going to hell for his sins. When Jack died he found out he had been barred from heaven as well, so he journeyed down to the gates of hell to demand his due. Wouldn't you know it, the Devil kept his promise by dooming Jack to wander the earth for all eternity with only an ember of hellfire of to light his way. 
Thenceforth, the legend says, he was known as Jack O'Lantern.

Anyway, for me, personally, I'm not a fan of the evil or darkness that comes with Halloween, I'm not "religiously" against it, like I said before I'll partake in the fun of dressing up (as something nice, not gross or evil) and of course eating candy ;) 
This year I dressed up as a harlequin doll type character.

 Riley went as a Sheriff

Something else that I have always really enjoyed are scary movies. Especially the old, 80's corny ones. I'm not proud of it. It's kind of a guilty pleasure of mine. I know, and believe it opens doors, to having nightmares, bringing fear upon yourself...All threatening things, that shouldn't be brought upon yourself or others...But still, I enjoy a B-rate movie every now and then.

Some of my favorites include:

The Stuff
Evil Dead 1 and 2
Cabin in the Woods
The Skeleton Key
Drag Me to Hell
The Paranormal Activity Movies
Insidious 1 and 2
The Conjuring
The Chucky Movies
The Tremors Movies
Silent Hill 1 and 2
Killer Klowns from Outer Space
The Tooth Fairy
What Lies Beneath

Just to name a few...

 On this Halloween, Riley and I will be staying home, spending time together, and turning our porch light off. There's not many chances we get to have a whole evening, just the two of us, no work, no gym, no people, no stress....Just us.

Happy Halloween everyone!! Be Safe, make wise choices and have fun!! 


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