Monday, November 25, 2013

Some Helpful Information If Moving Overseas With Your Military Spouse

 First Phase; Just Found Out
~Try not to freak everyone out in the restaurant (like I did)
~Let it sink in that you're moving to ________
~Don't let it sink in too much as with the military nothing is permanent
~DON'T, whatever you do, DON'T tell friends or family yet
~Casually research this new place
~Make sure the one in the military is within his weight/measurement limits
~Join Facebook pages or other assorted groups relating to that country, to learn more about it
~Start saving money for your move!
~Get your tourist passport AND your no fee passport
~Hurry up and wait for your official hard copy orders

Second Phase; Have gotten official hard copy of orders

~Scream some more!
~Let it sink in even more!!
~Okay NOW you can tell friends and family
~Find out when you'll be leaving
~Plan your moving to ______ plans accordingly
~Do serious research; buy books, go online, ask people etc...
~Study Google Earth
~What will you do with your car(s).....We sold one of ours and drove the other to my parents for them to use while we're gone for the 3 years
~If you're taking an animal(s), make sure they are microchipped AFTER they get a rabies shot, give them any other shots they may need, the health certificate from vet and get them the appropriate kennel...Call the airline and find out their regulations.

~Get you and your spouse's medical needs taken care of too. Get your health certificates from your dentist, primary care physician and and obtain any medical records from the states you may have.
~Refill or get any medications you or your pets may need, to last you at least a few months.
~Go to military provided classes about your upcoming move
~Don't always believe the things you hear. Keep your mind open to form your own opinion about the place.
~Apply for your advance DLA
~If you're a military wife, start looking for jobs or what school you wanna go to, also, try to find things to get involved and immerse yourself in the culture

Third Phase; Actually moving

~Get luggage (military members and their spouses are allowed 4 large luggages total for free, anything more you'll have to pay for.
~Get or make luggage tags (we were blessed by my aunt with homemade luggage tags - based off our wedding invitations!)

~DON'T STRESS TOO MUCH. This is such an exciting time for you and you should try and soak it all in and make the best of it. Maybe blog about it so other people who haven't gotten this chance can read about it! :)
~Take inventory of everything you own (even though the movers will do it as well
~There will be three types of moves that the military hired movers will come and pack/take away: 
1.) Express mail, will get to your new home in about a month and a half
2.) Household Goods, will take about 2 to 3 months to get to your new home
3.) Non Temporary Storage, things you want to put into storage here in the states while you're at this new duty station

Separate your things into these three categories. THEN, pack what you want to go with you on the plane (checked luggage). And lastly, pack your carry on. I recommend a good, sturdy, laptop friendly backpack, you can carry tons in there!

~Leave out an old blanket and pillow that you can donate/get rid of before you go (as everything else will be packed)
~Get some paper plates, plastic silverware and cups to eat off of before you go
~Decide how your home will be cleaned after your move out, whether you will pay someone (which we did) or clean it yourself, if you choose the second, make sure you leave out cleaning supplies
~Decide on a hotel or a friend to stay with during your last few days

~PCS: Permanent Change of Station
~DLA: Dislocation Allowance

That's all for now!! We are just a mere few days away from saying our goodbye-for-nows to our beautiful country. But stay in touch as I will be continuing to blog about the Life of Reilly.

Wonderful travel quote.

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