Saturday, August 3, 2013

Lifes weird isn't it? Buckle up.

Tonight we are finally at a resting point here in Grand Island, Nebraska. I know, Nebraska, right? It's absolutely crazy, a state I've never seen! I've been so excited the whole drive through, it's so pretty, lots of corn ;) oh, and all I can think about is Penny from the show Big Bang Theory.

We left yesterday at 5:30am from North Carolina and now we are here. We expect to make it back to Oregon by tomorrow night, "sliding into home" as we've been calling it... we'll be a wreck and exhausted I'm sure but we'll be home, and that's all that matters :)

Last night we got to my aunt Vonnie's house in Missouri around 10:00pm and we had the most AMAZING time with her and her husband. Navi' played with her animals, we all laughed, reminisced and ate some really good food, thank you guys for being so hospitable and giving us a warm nice bed to rest in, we love you!!!

I was actually really pretty nervous about traveling across the whole country with not only Riley but with a cat as well BUT - I must say, it's been a huge pleasant surprise. We've been a great team. Yes, we've had a couple spats here and there but we worked it out, and quickly. It's been awesome. Something that I keep saying (or at least thinking anyway) is;  
"I really chose the right man to marry if I can get across the whole United States without hurting him" LOL 
We've learned so much about each other, and how to travel with a cat...I'm REALLY glad we decided to do this :)

This trip is kind of a big milestone for me because just a little over 2 years ago, I came over on my very first road trip, not knowing where the road was going to take me or what was going to happen. I ESPECIALLY would not have believed it if someone were to have told me that Riley and I would be driving back to Oregon together to get married! But, here we are, with a home together, a kitty, our very own unique lives that we've combined and here pretty soon we'll be newlyweds moving to ITALY!! 

I watched a movie the other day where the actor Zach Galifianakis, after several insane events said to Robert Downey Jr...

"Lifes weird isn't it? Buckle up." 

that's how I feel. It's such an exciting, weird, unexpected, beautiful mess. It's amazing and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Tomorrow we will be leaving Nebraska and doing a "20 hour grind" (as Riley puts it) to get to Oregon. So we will see what actually happens!

 keep calm and travel on

You can view all of our pictures we've taken so far here:

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