Wednesday, August 7, 2013


It's day 2 of our time here in Oregon and we are having such a relaxing blast, if that makes any sense, lol. It's been so amazing being here with my parents, seeing Rileys parents, my cousins...And of course planning the wedding. At times it gets a little overwhelming but Riley balances me out and gets me back to where I need to be :)

Our last leg of the trip here, we drove from Salt Lake City, Utah to Medford, mean, it was beautiful scenery, if you like brown, deserty type of scenery. No, in all seriousness though, it was actually pretty nice. It was such a loooong stretch of nothingness that we got a chance to just talk and spend some quiet driving time together. We passed by the salt flats, all through the Klamath Basin, almost slammed into some cows crossing the road, had to pull over for an emergency kitty potty break....
And then we saw it.
THE OREGON SIGN!! We were so elated, we were like, "we're home!! Hi Oregon!!" Wishing we could give it a big ol' hug...We've missed it here so much, nothing compares to Oregon, in our opinions, with the trees, mountains, rivers, the pacific coast, cities and small towns, the history...Needless to say we love our home state of Oregon :)

We still get excited seeing the Oregon license plates and hearing the radio say things like "Southern Oregon" and "here in Oregon"

When we arrived at my parents house at around 8:15pm on Sunday August 4th, we both screamed out of the car to get us some hugs and love from my parents, we missed them soooo much. I felt like I couldn't squeeze them hard enough. It wasn't until like 2 hours later that we actually went back out to unload the car and change into our PJ's.

Then, the next day, yesterday, we relaxed, had breakfast, organized our stuff some more then later in the evening we went to see the property our wedding is being held at, for the first time. I was a nervous wreck.  
What if I don't like it? What if the owners are weirdos? Then what?? I thought to myself...But then I remembered that my mom set all of this up and she knows and loves me, and I trust her opinion :)

....It was gorgeous. We are SERIOUSLY excited to start putting it all together, decorating, and seeing it when it's all finished. After we walked around the property, we all went to pizza and had a blast.


It's been such an intriguing trip, because this is the last time I will get to drive cross country from North Carolina to Oregon and THEN back to North Carolina at the end of August before we move to Italy so I am definitely trying to savor every bit of it and see everything I haven't had a chance to see yet.

I'm pretty sure when I drive back to North Carolina here in a few weeks I'm going to go the "southern" route; down through either California or Arizona then through all the bottom states, in all my road trips, I have yet to see those states. SO - if you have any suggestions, places I should see or go....I'm all ears!!

Below is the official map of the route we took to get here starting in North Carolina. I enjoy drawing my routes on a map after a trip, it's so interesting to see that I traveled that far and made it out alive! I love it.

What do you think: is this true or not? #travel #quote

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