Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Best Is Yet To Come

"Lively. Radiant. Lush… A color of elegance and beauty that enhances our sense of well-being, balance and harmony."

Pantone has named Emerald the color of the year for 2013. Emerald is also May's birthstone, which happens to be my month, the month I was born :) 
As a POWER STONE it offers physical, emotional and spiritual balance. 
Although Emerald is a stone of prosperity and riches, it is not just a materialistic stone.  It also encourages spiritual growth, clear vision, memory, faith, intelligence and communication, inspiration, joy, intuition, sensuality, love, romance, beauty, harmony, tranquility, serenity, clarity, cleansing, justice, friendship and unity.  It seems that more kinds of physical healing have been ascribed to the emerald than to almost any other stone. 
However you want to look at it. That's what it will be. This year, your day, your mood, your life... Whether you study gemology, psychology, science or is someone who doesn't 'believe it til' they see it' it all comes down to what do you want? What are you seeking? Do you want to be happy or just survive? There is a certain truth to whatever we believe or study. We all have something to say, some of us are just scared to stand out, or make waves. Well I say make them! Make this be your year. Make things happen! There's a quote that says, "what would you do if you knew you could not fail?" Well? Interesting isn't it. I remember when I first heard that, even I was taken aback. It made me think, and for me, I almost instantly knew what I would do. 

We've all been through some pretty tough stuff over the last year with Hurricane Sandy, the various school shootings, losing iconic people such as Neil Armstrong and Dick Clark, our own loved ones, or pets...Not to mention the fear that the entire world was going to END on 12/21/2012. But we've also seen and done some pretty amazing things. I know I have. 

This year for me, was just all about finding that "committed, domesticated" side of me. I honestly didn't think I had a side like that. Not that I can't commit, it was always that I knew in my heart I shouldn't commit to just anyone until I knew he was the one. Well, I've found the one, and I'm committed. He's always been the one, which, if you know me, or us, you already know. 
This year has been amazing, him and I being able to find our niche with each other, live together, combining our lives. It has been a scary, absolutely wonderful journey and I can't wait to spend another year figuring things out together, experiencing new things, and getting closer. 
One of my more favorite things that we have incorporated into our daily life is, right before bed each night we will say what our favorite part of the day was and something nice about each other. It's been pretty amazing, just that little bit of positivity at the end of the night makes for a much better sleep and even the next day after we do it has been improving since we started :)
I also turned 26 and quit smoking this year, by the way :)
We got to go to Oregon to visit home and our families in September, that was amazing. It was my first time back since I left on my road trip without any knowledge of whether I was going to be back or not so it was a really emotional experience for me. 
I had my first experiences with some anxiety, depression, and even a panic attack or two this year...It was so unreal to me, that's not me, I had absolutely NO idea where it came from, or why I was feeling these things. I've always felt I am a happy, joyful, "I love life, all the time" kind of person so when all of that hit, I had no idea how to cope. Which then brought me to my first experience with seeing a counselor...Getting closer to God, and my parents, and discovering loved ones around me who proved to be there no matter what. 

I have always been a fan of adversity. Sounds strange I know but I honestly believe it builds character, it grows us, it helps people get closer...Which is why I'm glad everything has happened the way it has because I have come out of all of it stronger, more prepared, with more knowledge and more of a "come at me" attitude because I'm ready to face anything that's thrown my way.

This year, 2013, will be my year. I'm excited and I'm ready. Just from what I know of, there are many, BIG changes coming this coming year. And that's not even talking about the many blessings and unknown things that are bound to happen. I will be more consistent in my writing since this girl, is still meeting the world. I will continue to learn new things, pursue my passions, will most likely be starting school and some other endeavors this year...Just to name a few. I don't due "New Years Resolutions" because I believe in every day being a fresh start and a chance to make the decision to just DO the things you want to do :) 
We will be filling a jar with things that happen over the course of 2013 such as funny moments, blessings, a daily picture etc. and then we will open it together on December 31st, 2013 to see all of the good things we've been blessed with.

I saw this video today and it brought a smile to my face and tears to my eyes. SO inspiring, creative and informative. It's crazy how much, and the type of stuff we've all gone through in 2012. Please watch it, I promise you won't regret it :)

Let's make 2013 the best one yet. Let's all remember that each one of us has our own story, our own battles we are fighting, and we all have one thing in common-we need love, and joy in our lives. So let's try to be kind to each other. Try to be curious rather than judgmental and know that it is not over. It's not too late and you are worth it.

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