Wednesday, May 2, 2012

"Tanz in den Mai!"

On this day, exactly one year ago, I set off on what has been the greatest adventure of my life. I packed my Honda to the brim of everything I owned. What didn’t fit was either sold or given away. I felt like a kid with a red handkerchief and a stick containing all my toys, set out to see what the world had to offer me. I was ready for where God was taking me; what he had in store for me. I may not have known what that was as I put my car in drive on that sunny day, but I was certain it was going to be epic.

May 1st, 2012.

Otherwise known as May Day; Celebrating the Roman Goddess of Flowers, Flora. Also, on May 1st, 1561 when  Charles IX of France recieved a Lily of the Valley as a lucky charm who in turn, started giving each lady of the court one of the flowers every year.
Many countries have their own way of celebrating May 1st. You may be more acquainted with the May Pole.

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You may remember doing this as a child in school. I certainly do. I remember, even though I was just a little girl, how much fun this was. It was so colorful and free.

However you celebrate May 1st, it will always be close to my heart as the day my life changed. The day that I stepped off the cliff and built my wings on the way down.

"Tanz in den Mai!" meaning: "Dance Into May!"
I invite, no, I urge you to dance into May. Not walk, or stroll, but DANCE! If you put your hand over your heart, what do you feel? It's called purpose. You're alive for a reason.

Several months before I set out on this journey, I remember I started feeling ALOT like, "is this really it" you know, those typical feelings. I felt like I was going through my quarter-life crisis, if such a thing even existed. I had grown up in Medford, Oregon and pretty much spent my entire 25 years of existence there, in Medford, besides a brief 7 months when I tred my hand at moving 5 hours away to Portland, Oregon.  I had moved there when I was 20 years old whether it was meant to be or not I'm still not sure, but I certainly learned TONS.
But I wasn't done. I had gotten tired of always starting my stories off; "when I lived in Portland". I needed more. More experience, failures, lessons, blue skies...I needed more material for when that time comes when my life flashes before my eyes. I want a good show to watch ;)
I remember feeling so, disenchanted. Like, "really? This is how my lifes gonna be? There has to be more." I always heard, "bloom where you are planted" and, "work with what you have, and with where you are" and while that may work or some people I had an insistent case of wanderlust. I needed to spread my wings and see what else was out there before "settling down"

And so I did. God knew the desires of my heart, and had been preparing what was to come next, my whole life, I believe. He was waiting for just the right time  reveal this amazing plan to me. Putting together the perfect means and timing for all of this to come together.
I moved out of my apartment, sold or gave away 80% of my belongings, packed the rest in my car and hugged my family goodbye, little knowing whether I was going to be back or not. All I knew was that I was supposed to drive East. Along the way and as I had time wrap my head around what exactly was happening, I justified that I was just going to make a list of my top 5 favorite places in the country and then on my "way back", move to one of those places and start a new life.  Yep, I was good with that. I was excited. The first place that made the list as Renton, Washington. The second, anywhere in Montana. Third, either Durango, or Merino, Colorado. The fourth place that made the list? Farmington, Missouri. And the fifth? Well,  by that time I had arrived in North Carolina (which by the way, was not, nor ever, on my list of places I desired to live.)

And I knew.
I knew I was meant to be here, to settle down. This was my home, where God had brought me with his own two hands.

The exact route I took from Oregon to North Carolina

I spent my 25th birthday here in North Carolina with Riley, and with my cousin Mykel and her family. It was by far in the top 3 best birthdays I have ever had. For the next few months I explored, discovered more of myself, traveled back an forth from Mykels to Rileys often, relaxed, and prayed for God to give me my next steps. All I knew was that this was where I was supposed to be, but now what? So I just stood still, and practiced faith. I knew I would know what my next steps were soon.

I ended up getting a job in October 2011, at this place called Convergys. Right next door to where I live!
(Hm. Weird.) doing a job that I actually enjoy! Not to mention the people I work with are absolutely amazing. Fun, genuine and just downright awesome. I've met some really great friends there, have already gotten a 'promotion' and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. This place has opened doors for me that I never knew were there. One, for example, Convergys is a very international company, hence, the opportunity to transfer, to work at home, and to move up even farther in the company. Whichever I may choose as I move into these next phases of my life.
~I've also, as I've said in my previous posts, been in a relationship.  An amazing, crazy, terrifying, miraculous, so very perplex, beautiful relationship.
~I've lost some weight, about 35 lbs since I left Oregon.
~I've also decided to quit smoking. Big I know. But I'm determined. I'm ready.
~Lately I've sort of caught the yoga bug, I've always liked it but never really knew anyone who was into it too so I sort of lost the inspiriation. I have met a wonderful friend here, Anne Marie. She is a great inspiration and teaches yoga for a living. I'm excited to jump on this yoga/eating healthy-clean train!
And speaking of friends, I have made a few really awesome, now-close friends here. One in particular I want to say something special about. Ashley Soliday. She is such a beatiful person, inside and out. She is one of the most positive, uplifting, funny, hard working people I have ever met. I know that if I ever need a push, a laugh or just a friend to listen, she is there.  Love ya girl :)

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And so now, what's next you ask? Well, Riley and I will be going back to Oregon in September to visit for two  weeks. SO excited, and also kind of nervous for some reason.
Then 5 months after that Riley will be in his 9 month window to be re stationed. We have an idea of where we will be moving so as the time nears, I will be updating :)
I have entered into a "military lifestyle", being with Riley, and I can't wait to see what's in store for us and our future together. And of course, will be (on a more consistent basis now) continuing to write about this girl, meetng the world.
My traveling is not over, my writing is not over, and my wide open enthusiasm for my adventures is certainly not over.
Stay tuned for Girl, Meet World, as it will only get more exciting from here.

Please feel free to enjoy these pictures of my life from may 1st, 2011 - May 1st, 2012


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