Saturday, May 21, 2011


The process of life. Such an interesting thing. First, we are in the mothers womb, shown the world, then we are babies. As children, we are programmed with "no" no, don't touch that, no, don't eat that. NO. Then, as we get older, what do we hear? No. No, you can't be that, no, you won't make it, no, you're not good enough. Finally, we reach a place with ourselves that we start using the word yes. "Yes I CAN do this." "Yes I CAN be who I want to be. "Yes I WILL pursue my passions." We reach a place where we're tired of hearing no, or you can't, or "you'll never make it" and we get strong. That strength that you didn't know was there springs out and shows its beauty, and we grab a hold of it, embrace it and we run with it.

That's where I am. I've reached my sweet spot.

Yea we may have "the most supportive family" or "the greatest friends" but we still live in a not so nice world. But don't let it get to you. You CAN  live how you want. And you CAN  be happy.

I, unfortunately, have let myself fall victim of this word no, and I have learned many lessons the hard way. The really hard way. But all those "mistakes" and hurt have all brought me here, made me who I am today. And I am happy about it : )

I have been thinking about my birthday, coming up here on May 31st. The big 2-5. Or what I've been calling it, my quarter life crisis. It's not neccessarily a "crisis" just a time in my life where I take a step back and think, wow, I'm turning 25. Somehow I don't feel like I don't deserve it or am ready for it but it's comin' no matter what, I cant stop it. So, as anything else we go through, I just become strong, embrace it, and make the very best out of it. Just like just about anyone else I guess, I have been thinking, "what have I done with my life?" "Have I made a difference?" "Where am I going" And you know what I came up with? I am not satisfied. I have let the word no get me down in the past too much, I have let the disappointments of the world discourage me and I am done. I'm done living someone elses life. I'm ready to live MY life! The life I deserve, want, and desire. So you know what I am going to do? I am going to start living as if tomorrow is 1000 days away, I'm going to start making check marks on my bucket list, and DOING all the things I have desired to do, or learn, or experience. You're probably asking, "how? how are you going to do all this? are you rich or something?" No, I have just figured out a way to mesh my "work" with what I actually like to do. My passions, what  makes me happy and work don't all have to be seperate things. So for years I have been trying to figure out how in the world I would be able to live the life I love, while I "make a living". And I have. It's so freeing to not have to conform to what everyone elses idea of success is, or what society thinks you should do.

Today, I am still at Mykels. She took me to this place called The Waffle House for breakfast and it was sooo good! I think we ordered the whole restaurant and we ate it all too! We had biscuits and gravy, eggs, hashbrowns, a breakfast sandwich, waffles and orange juice. I was full all day, then for dinner Mykel made my favorite, steak, baked potatoes and corn...Like I said, I'm getting fed SO well here.

And speaking of, not only am I getting fed well with food, I'm also getting a good dosage of fresh air, kid time, trampoline time, cousin time, God time and everything else good. I feel like if I had any voids, they've all been filled here, with the good stuff : )

1 comment:

  1. You're such a strange and beautiful little animal. I know! I will call you Non-Conformist Philosophical Metaphysician! And you come by that naturally by the way. :}
