Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Question Everything

 During my drive through New Mexico, Arizona and Nevada I started wondering.

I'm curious to know what everyone else's opinions are on ghosts and aliens.
Do you believe they exist? Why or why not? 

Me personally, I've discovered over the past handful of years that I kind of want to question everything. There are things that I just believe exist, but then there are other things that I question, I just don't believe until proof is brought to the surface. 

I do believe, and am highly intrigued by:

(just a few I can think of off the top of my head)
~Aliens and anything that could be out there
~Ghosts, orbs, angels etc...
~Loch Ness
~I believe dreams mean things
~I believe some things aren't as they seem to the naked eye.

- But then there are those other things like for example, that meteor crater in Arizona...Where's the meteor? Did it just vaporize once it hit? How do we know the crater actually came from a meteor impact? Why do I have to pay $16 to see a hole? 

- The underground city tours in Seattle, Washington. Even though, at this point, with the information that's been given to me after I took the tour, I'm not as against the fact that it's legit that I used to be.

Those are just the few things I can think of so far...There are so many more, but that's for another day.

 I guess my point is, question, and research everything. Learn things for yourself. Let yourself be intrigued. Don't just assume it's right just because it's on the internet, news or someone told it to you, or even if you've seen (and had to pay for) it.

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