Sunday, November 6, 2011

November 6th, 2011. Exactly 4 months since I lasted posted a blog. I must say, that’s way too long. I’ve been insatiably craving to write. I truly have discovered my passion for writing. Before I came out to North Carolina I never would’ve imagined that I would love writing this much. It has stirred so many things inside my heart, opened new doors and opened my eyes to things I would’ve never seen before.
So, here’s the big answer to an even bigger question; what have I been doing for the past 4 months?

have moved to North Carolina, and I am working for this company called Convergys, which, is conveniently located right next door to my house. I believe God placed me with this company because he is a smart God and knows the desires of my heart. This company is very international. You name it and there's a Convergys there. And the opportunity to be able to work in those new places is actually very possible, or, if I wanted to ‘work from home’ (travel and work), I could. Who knew that a place I could actually continue living my passion, while making money would be right next door to where I live! So cool. Every single day, Gods work is shown.

 “All we long for, we shall have; all we long to be, we will be. All that has hurt us so deeply will be swept away…
And then real life begins.”

A quote from this book called Epic that I recently read.

…And then real life begins. Regarding some of the things I’ve said in my other blogs, I have been and will always be an advocate for living your dream and pursuing your passions. I’m also aware that we need to make a “living” as well. What I will not suscept to is “living to work”. The whole thing where people allow themselves to settle for just going through the motions; doing something that they have no desire to do. ‘Just a job’. Or thinking they have no other options or they ‘can’t’. To me that is absolutely unacceptable.
Here’s an interesting perspective; some food for thought, if you look up the word suscept in the dictionary it means –
an organism in which another organism may become parasitic. Think about it. No good can come from giving up, giving up on the fight for your life, what you have been called to do. Fight for it! It’s yours! Take a look around your life. What are you doing? Who are you surrounded by? Are you happy? If your life was a painting, what would the painting look like? You are the artist of you; of your life. What do you want your canvas to look like? 

Do you remember when you were a little kid and came across those dandelions that you picked, made a wish, and then blew all the little seeds into the air? When was the last time you did that? At what point did we lose our wonder, our fascination with life? Well I say we need to get that back! Yea so what, we’re adults now and have to work, pay the bills, be responsible…I’m saying this with that slurry, wobbly tone…but seriously, so what that were adults, look back at the time when you felt that wonder, that allure for the little things, the things that used to make you go, “COOL!!” or that you’d wanna run and go show somebody, anybody.  

I believe with all my heart that it is actually possible, in a realistic kind of way, to have the life you want, were called for, and deserve to have. I know that we all get stuck in those ‘who’s life is this?’ kind of ruts but it’s never too late to break free and step onto the yellow brick road toward your Emerald City. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step” Confucius says :)

In the past 4 months I’ve also continued traveling back and forth from my cousin’s house in Dunn, NC and have built the coolest friendships with everyone over there, I’ve discovered more things about myself, done a little more traveling, and sightseeing around North Carolina. Sadly though, I have not yet made it up north; New York, Washington DC, etc…YET. I have revised my traveling plans. As soon as the spring hits, I will be getting back to my traveling. I’m even considering another cross country road trip! From North Carolina to Oregon to make it in time for my cousin Steph’s wedding, in July. Aside from that, in the spring/summer I will travel up and down the whole east coast.

I say “I will” rather than “I want to” or “I’m gonna try” because I WILL. That is what the desire of my heart is, that is something I believe I’m meant to do. So, again, I will effectuate my plan.

I’ve also been in a relationship.

Here we go…relationships…they’re one of the most complex of all the factors of life we go through, but at the same time, one of the most rewarding. I want to tell you the story of how Riley and I became.

It all started when my mom and his mom got together for lunch one day. They were new friends and my mom had met her daughter and asked if that was her only child. His mom told her, “No I have a 13 year old son. His name is Riley”. My mom asked, ”Why haven’t I seen him in church?” she responded with, “He wants nothing to do with church or God”. So my mom had an idea. She said, “Introduce him to MY Reilly and he’ll WANT to come to church!”

My mom and I stood side by side as the doorbell rang on that fall day. Little knowing how we would both lose our hearts the moment the door would open. It was the year 1999 when I met him. His name was Riley. My name is Reilly. I thought, "He's the one, he has to be, we have the same name." But, what would I know, I was only a kid; I was only 13.

The very next Sunday he was in church.

We spent the next years of our childhood growing up and going through everything together. Next thing I knew, he had joined the military; the United States Navy. He was 18 years old and it was time; time for the next step in his life, and in mine. But I knew with all my heart that if we were meant to be together God would make it happen.

So for the next 7 years we would see each other on Christmas, talk on the phone, write letters. We still went through everything together; two deployments, new jobs, new houses, even heartbreak. We grew to become indestructible. He was my best friend; my everything.

Then, there came a day when I knew my life was about to change forever. I felt it. I knew that my life as I knew it was never going to be the same. I had a yearning; a wanderlust if you will, to get out and see the world; to travel. I wasn't sure what that meant or what I was supposed to do with this desire of mine, but I knew it was there for a reason, so I prayed. I asked God to make it clear to me what my steps were supposed to be, what my purpose was, and where I was supposed to go.

May 1st, 2011 I left. All I knew was I was supposed to get in my car and drive east. So I did! All alone, in my little Honda I started driving...I saw some family along the way, took a million pictures, found my passion for writing and discovered me.

Next thing I knew I was in North Carolina. I had driven from Oregon to North Carolina in 26 days, by myself. So I'm thinking, what God? And right then and there, I knew, ‘Go see Riley.’ The moment I saw him I knew. I knew God had brought me out here for a reason. I remembered years ago when I knew and had to keep telling myself, "If were meant to be together, God will make it happen", and now here I am. I wasn’t planning on moving to North Carolina, in fact I had no plan at all, but I knew I wasn’t supposed to go back to Oregon.  So after much prayer and discussion between Riley and I on whether we were ready for this, we decided to move in together, to finally join our lives.

As much as we knew about each other and as long as we've known each other, every day still brings new adventures; a new and stronger love for each other, among the challenges and fears. But this is it, this is right. I’m meant to be here, with him, and that I know.
My whole life I knew
God was preparing me for my future mate, and He was preparing him for me, and that when we met we would all know it…

And, well, needless to say, we all know it. It’s right. It’s real. Riley and I have been through some distressing times, as well as remarkable. He’s it; he’s always been it for me. God sure knew what he was doing when he was preparing us for each other, that’s for sure.

To be honest with you, though, it has been one of the most terrifying things I have ever done. Being in a relationship. Like a good kind of terrifying. There's been so much growth, feelings I’ve never felt before, strength, and courage built…yea… I could write a book about it. Hey! Maybe I will! :)

I’m so excited to be spending the holidays here, with Riley. See, growing up, and for the past 13 years, it’s always been Reilly girl and Riley boy, and everyone else. Now, it’s only the two of us, able to just be together, and focus on us and this relationship we've embarked on. As much as we love our family and friends back home, this is right, for us to have this time for just us. Again, God really knew what he was doing.
So, here I am, living this new and exciting life where every day brings unfamiliarity. But I know I’m meant to be right where I am, right now.
This girl is out, meeting the world and I will write about anything and everything I see, feel, and experience...Like I said, I've only just begun.

Click these links to see all my most recent pictures, and maybe some you've already seen before :)

1 comment:

  1. I love riding along with you into your fresh new future! You do us proud!
