Monday, June 6, 2011

Behold Wonder

You know, I still look around and think, this is my life. I'm living this, every day. And I love it. I have relaxing days and crazy days, days where I have no idea what's going on and days where I just feel so excited I want to scream and laugh at the same time.

Current Location: North Carolina.

I have been going back and forth from my cousin Mykels in Dunn, NC and Rileys in Jacksonville, NC...And everywhere in between. I have seen Dolphins and Fiddler Crabs, Wrightsville Beach, Savannah, Georgia, Fireflies and felt the humidity. I can't even tell you how many things I've learned, seen and done for the first time, just while being here in North Carolina. I am having the time of my life.
And I have so much more to look forward to.

I will be heading back out on the road in a few weeks to see some more of our beautiful country; Washington DC, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, Maine...Then down south to Florida...and everywhere else I can possibly fit in! I don't have an itinerary or even a plan neccessarily, all I have is the desire and my faith in God that he will place me where I need to be, at the time time I need to be there and He will also provide for me, and keep me safe.

Yesterday Riley and I went out on a boat with his friends Thomas and Carrie and we had so much fun! We went to this place called the intercoastal waterway, you know, where the water meets the ocean but it's not quite in the ocean yet. It was so gorgeous, lining the water were these amazing houses, each one with its own dock and private beach. We saw purple houses, yellow houses, turquoise and pink. Everyone was out enjoying the crystal clear water and the hot day in their boats and on their jet skis. Something I noticed and really enjoyed was how everyone on the water were in a way connected. Everyone we passed waved, or held up their beer. We were all united in a sense, like we were all friends, sharing the water.

This week I will be at Mykels in Dunn, NC all week, relaxing and spending time with her and her family. I will also have more time to put together some more pictures, slideshows, links and music.

Love my life.

The Meaning I picked, the one that changed my life: Overcome fear, behold wonder.

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